Friday, April 5, 2013

What I am doing...

Nothing too terribly exciting.

JK! I get the pleasure of possibly being THE cover designer for C.M. Wright's Vampire novel she is working on now. In between working on that and Managing I Heart Books, I am beta reading and reviewing a few books for some authors/friends. 

What time is left, and not spent being domestic, is used on writing! Unfortunately there is not a ton of time and a million idea's in my head. I need to organize my thoughts. LOL. To help with that I have decided I will be taking a break from IHB duties next week. Hopefully I get some time to focus!

(Not that I don't enjoy bending over backwards for IHB fans!)


  1. Wow, I thought I was busy! Good luck getting everything done. i guess I should stop blogging and Facebook-ing and get on with my other writing related activities, like, erm, writing more books!

  2. So excited to see the cover you're doing for me. So is John Quinlan (for everyone who doesn't know, John is my very very sexy cover model, yummmm!) Don't forget to take time to breathe Miss Kris! :-)
